{{detailCtrl.mainImageIndex + 1}}/6


8,800 JPY

About shipping cost

  • M size

    8,800 JPY


  • L size

    8,800 JPY

  • XL size

    8,800 JPY

  • XXL size

    8,800 JPY

T-shirt with KESHIKI GALLERY's Kanji logo (景色魏弥裸裏異) and the XULY.Bët logo printed on the back. -Sustainability-. This product is made of recycled polyester from used plastic bottles and clothing waste. 100% cotton is used as the yarn for the front eyes and 100% polyester is used as the base for the back eyes. The polyester yarn on the reverse side makes the skin surface comfortable even when sweating, and it also has a UV shielding function. Why not choose for the future a product that is resistant to wrinkling, loss of shape, pilling, etc. and reduces the burden on the environment? Size: Length/width/shoulder width/sleeve length M/69cm/52cm/46cm/20cm L/73cm/55cm/50cm/22cm XL/77cm/58cm/54cm/24cm XXL/81cm/63cm/57cm/25cm ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ KESHIKI GALLERYの漢字ロゴである景色魏弥裸裏異(けしきぎゃらりい)とXULY.BëtのロゴをバックにプリントしたTシャツです。 -Sustainability- こちらの商品は、使用済みペットボトルや衣料品廃棄物を原料にリサイクルポリエステルで作られています。 表目に綿100%を添え糸として、裏目にポリエステル100%をベースとして使用。 裏目はポリエステル糸のため、肌面は汗をかいても快適で、紫外線遮蔽機能も兼備。 シワ、型崩れ、毛玉などに強く環境負担軽減された商品を未来の為に選択してみませんか? Size:着丈/身幅/肩幅/袖丈 M/69cm/52cm/46cm/20cm L/73cm/55cm/50cm/22cm XL/77cm/58cm/54cm/24cm XXL/81cm/63cm/57cm/25cm

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